Gauss Meters & Magnetometers

DigiGauss DG3

Quick Break Analyser & Magnetic Field Indicator

The DigiGauss DG3 includes all the features found in the DigiGauss DG2 but includes a ‘Quick-Break’ analyser function to measure and plot the rate at which a magnetic field collapses at the end of a magnetic ‘shot’.

In the past such measurements were taken by wiring equipment into a unit’s circuitry and the result was a simplistic pass or fail. The DigiGauss DG3 was designed to work remotely by measuring the magnetic field directly, displaying a plot of the decaying waveform and then automatically calculating the ‘quick-break’ time period.

Product Data

  • Includes all the features found in the DigiGauss DG2
  • 'Quick-Break' Analyser funtion

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