Inspection Lamps

UV Inspection Lights are used in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for fluorescing fluorescent magnetic inks and fluorescent dye penetrants. UV light or black light with a peak wavelength of 365nm creates the optimal viewing conditions.

Johnson & Allen manufacture a range of mains and battery powered, handheld 365nm UV lamps and torches for NDT applications. This includes portable UV LED lights and Mercury vapour discharge lamps which are suitable for ISO 9934-3:2015 and ISO 3452-4:2013 applications.

UV Lamps - ASTM E3022, RRES 90061 and Airbus AITM6-1001 Compliant

UV Lamps

UV Torches


Overhead Lights

Titan UV-A Floodlight
Titan UV-A Floodlight
Enigma Grand Floodlight
Enigma Grand Floodlight
Enigma XL Striplight
Enigma XL Striplight
Blacklight Tube Unit
Blacklight Tube Unit

Head Mounted


White Light Lamps

NeoVU-2 W
NeoVU-2 W


Flash Light Meter
Flash Light Meter
White Light 201
White Light 201